Month: October 2010

56,000 Broken Promises

My poor decisions early in life set me up for unjustified financial risk taking later in life. It took losing everything to give me a chance to start over. I will do it right this time.

Participating as a Voter is Financially Smart

The vote is one of the easiest and one of the most treasured political acts a citizen can make. It requires a small investment in your time, yet our voter turnout is shockingly dismal. It is even lower among young people. If it is difficult to mobilize citizens to go to the polls, how can we expect to take on the more difficult work of solving the nation’s long ignored and festering problems?

Book Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

This book does the wonderful task of explaining such dry accounting concepts of income statements and balance sheets in a very readable and understandable format. It shows the cash flow patterns of poor people, middle class people and rich people. It also shows how from a strictly financial standpoint that it is the middle class cash flow pattern that is the absolute worst one to have.