values at work

Values at Work. The Farmer and the Olympian: Stewardship versus Achievement

As we continue to examine the six fundamental value pairs, today we explore values at work.  The Farmer and The Olympian describe how we approach work, how we evaluate our performance, and how we gain and retain motivation. The Farmer The Farmer toils day after day in the fields to cultivate a generous bounty to …

Values at Work. The Farmer and the Olympian: Stewardship versus Achievement Read More »


The Shaman and the Scientist: Holism vs. Rationalism

As we continue with the six fundamental value pairs, we move to the disagreement over truth.  But truth is never as simple as fact.  We see this debate over truth manifested in a huge swath of critical areas of life–from a debate over western rationalism to eastern mysticism, from the scientific method to post-modern philosophy, …

The Shaman and the Scientist: Holism vs. Rationalism Read More »


The Hermit and the Healer: The Individualism/Collectivism Dimension

As we begin to explore the six fundamental value pairs, we start with one that is well established in literature–the dichotomy of individualism and collectivism. In terms of archetypes, I have labeled these groups Hermits and Healers. The Hermit The Hermit is an individual who above all wants to live life on his or her …

The Hermit and the Healer: The Individualism/Collectivism Dimension Read More »


Business Ethics: Freeing People or Crippling Them?

Business Ethics is about helping customers to make the choices in their best interest. Are you making their lives better? Cake Mix Several years ago, I watched the excellent four-part BBC documentary “The Century of the Self”.  In one episode, the topic of public relations and market research was addressed.  Following World War II, there …

Business Ethics: Freeing People or Crippling Them? Read More »


Monopoly Part III: Greatness and Goodness Takeaways

In the first two parts of this series, I discussed the myriad of problems with the game of Monopoly and then some alternative rules that radically improve the game experience and provide for much better learning outcomes.  In this final part, I will discuss the key takeaways from the new Monopoly experience.   As I work …

Monopoly Part III: Greatness and Goodness Takeaways Read More »