On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to see a great event by Jon Acuff–a bestselling writer, blogger and member of the Dave Ramsey team.  The title of his event was called START!  It is intended to help people who have always wanted to go for it, but haven’t done so.  It was an inspiring talk.  …

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The Power of Networking

I had recently read a book on marketing. In it, the author quoted research that indicated that it takes 9 impressions on a prospect to facilitate a buying decision and that generally, we only pay attention 1/3 of a time. Therefore, we must touch a prospect 27 times to make them a customer.

Prudence, Fear and Irony

Fear and worry put us in a fight or flight mode, where it becomes easier to withdraw. This damages our relationships with others, shuts down our higher thinking processes, makes the quality of our work less and usually endangers the very things we are trying to build walls around to protect. Irony indeed.