Feed Your Fire!

Where Nick provides fuel on your way to winning, success and achievement.

Pushing Back

I’ve been out of work several times in the past.  What I have learned and what I tell everyone else who experiences a job loss that the worst thing that happens is the first work day that you don’t have anywhere to go is when the full weight of unemployment hits you.  The uncertainty, not …

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A New Old Paradigm

For millenia, people earned their money on a transaction.  The shieldmaker sold shields.  The candlemaker sold candles.  People were paid by what they sold.  It was only later that the concept of wages and salary were developed.  It came about that people were less paid by their production and more paid for their time.  Perhaps, …

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On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to see a great event by Jon Acuff–a bestselling writer, blogger and member of the Dave Ramsey team.  The title of his event was called START!  It is intended to help people who have always wanted to go for it, but haven’t done so.  It was an inspiring talk.  …

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