Vlog #1 – A Fresh Start

Hello friends. Welcome to the new and improved NickWolff.net. My name is Nick.

Pleased to see you. Before we get started I want to discuss with you something critically important. I want you to win. I want you to be successful. I want you to get every bit of performance possible out of your team members and out of yourself.

My Focus

My focus is to help you build a better business leaders and entrepreneurs. That’s why I’m here. Now if you have other business concerns you’d like to discuss with me, I’d be happy to do so, but my goal is to help make you and make your team members better businesspeople. We’re going to do this through four educational sectors.

Two of them focusing on the internal and two of them focusing on the external. First, you aren’t going to be successful unless you know how to manage yourself. So the first aspect of Education I’m going to provide for you is emphasizing self-knowledge and self-regulation. If you master yourself — what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are and what your capacity for risk and for self-confidence, that is the first key to making whatever change in the world you wish to make possible. Secondly, we’re going to teach you how to see the world how it really exists. Many of us have been trained not to see what’s really out there. Most importantly, we’ve been taught that we cannot make a difference. The power of self efficacy alone is worth millions of dollars. If you believe that things can change and that you have some power to make that happen, it will happen. So we’re going to spend a lot of time helping you build the skills of self empowerment and efficacy. As we turn now to the external, it’s important we find people we can work with–who will join with us on our journey to making the world a better place. So we’re giving a lot of emphasis on motivating and interacting with other people. The more you can get somebody on your side the more likely they’ll be there when you need them. And they will help you make your goals a reality.

This leads us to part four, shaping the future. If you have self knowledge and self regulation, if you’re seeing the world the way it truly is, and if your ability to make an impact in it, and you have a chorus of people behind you and alongside you advancing your goals and your vision, you will be able to shape the world to whatever goals you wish. You’ll be able to enrich yourself and enrich others. And that is what we all should be striving for.

Get on Board

If this sounds interesting to you, I hope you’ll listen participate, and try to learn the skills being taught here. I hope you will take the time to give me your trust and hopefully I will earn it in the weeks and months to come.

This is Nick Wolff talk to you soon.


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