Vlog #4 – Kanye matters. The rest of his family doesn’t.

Hey friends.

I don’t keep up with the kardashians

I really want to relate to you an amusing story. Earlier last week my wife was flipping through the channels and she stopped on Family Feud and this was a special episode of Family Feud where it actually had Kanye West and the rest of the Kardashian-Jenner family as contestants on the show. And although I recognize Kanye West, as soon as Steve Harvey went further down the line, I couldn’t recognize any of them. I knew who Kanye West was, but Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner–I know the names, but I didn’t recognize any of them. And as I told this to my wife, she kind of smiled, chuckled, partly in condescension, partly amused that a lot of these pop culture things just really aren’t on my radar. And as I sat there watching briefly, because I didn’t spend much time there, I was wondering … These people are considered highly famous and are important parts of our pop culture–and I was wondering what it was about me that these folks didn’t register with me on my radar. And as I thought about this for a moment and then I realized, I smiled and I said hmm. When you’re thinking about Kanye West– now this man has actually done something. He’s written very interesting and very challenging music and he’s taken a whole genre of entertainment and made something great about it. The other ones– the Kardashian and Jenner clan, other than the athlete formerly known as Bruce, really haven’t done much. We have a very weird culture right now where people can be famous simply for being famous, not because they’re actually making a contribution. And I realized that these people didn’t impact my life one iota. So it doesn’t really bother me that I didn’t care about them at all. I don’t even pay attention to them.

What am I paying attention to?

You know maybe I’m just focusing my attentions elsewhere–that I pay attention to people who are worth paying attention to. And if people aren’t in a position to improve my life or have the same passions that I do, maybe it’s okay that I don’t pay attention to them much. I’m okay with that. I hope you are too.

See you next time.

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