Vlog #2 – Limitless – The New Artisans

Hello friends.

One of the questions that I get frequently is, “When I tell people that they should be investing in their people, they asked me why is that they should spend a great deal of money educating and training their employees when those employees are free to walk out the door as soon as the training is done? It’s a valid question.


The New Artisans

What I tell them is it’s because that’s your job. Going back to Renaissance Europe, we remember that we always had the master bring on the apprentice and then it’s the job of the master to help the apprentice learn the tools of the trade, the skills, and all the little nuance of proper craftsmanship. We’ve lost that in the Industrial Age. We were so worried about time trials and a mass production assembly line format that we really had less of an emphasis on individual craftsmanship. This has been an aberration because the factory model doesn’t work in the in the knowledge economy very well. We need to return to the artisan model, where we help people build their skills. Even when the master was teaching the apprentice the skills he or she knew, in the back of his or her mind, that there was going to come a day when that apprentice became a journeyman and could very easily go on and set up their own shop somewhere else–becoming a new competitor. There also may be the time then when that journeyman actually becomes better and more talented and better able to perform than the master himself. And we should take pride in that; because we all have a role that we’re trying to assume in this world.


Going Forward

We’re all trying to find a way to make things better and if we can give a little bit of ourselves and help someone else become better, greater, and nobler. What greater testament to our lives is that? So that’s why we train our individuals and our partners. We have to have faith that if we treat them with respect, with love, with caring, and with fairness, that they won’t look out the door when we’re done because they’ll want to stay with us and partner with us. Together, you extremely talented with me and my extremely talented set of skills, we can do great things together. If you believe that, the future is limitless!


This is Nick Wolff thank you

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