Vlog #18 – Influencer Lesson 2: People are Persuadable


Bogle and Walton

In my first book, The Influencer, I discuss the story of Bob Bogle, one of Sam Walton’s lieutenants who was determined to convince Mr. Walton to open up his new “big box” store.  Bogle wanted to capitalize on Walton’s name and reputation by calling the new store Wal-Mart.  Sam Walton; however, was a very humble man and he didn’t want his store to bear his name.  How could Bogle persuade Mr. Walton?

Bogle knew Walton very well, though.  Anticipating his objection, Bogle decided to pitch Mr. Walton by appealing to another part of his value system.  Walton was very frugal.  So when Bogle observed that Wal-Mart had only 7 letters, and the other names under consideration had more letters, Bogle made the case that the costs of signage would be substantially reduced by going with the shorter name.  Sam Walton eventually agreed to the new name.


The ability to effectively persuade is one of the most important skills a business leader can have.   Bogle knew that there are multiple ways to make a persuasive case, but few actually will be successful.  The mistake most would-be persuaders make is presenting a case that is designed to persuade oneself rather than a case designed to persuade the audience.  We are all unique and it is likely that the points that might convince you will not be persuasive to others.  Smart influencers tailor the persuasive case to the individual being persuaded.  Bogle knew to appeal to Walton’s sense of frugality and bypass Walton’s natural reluctance to use his name.

Wise influencers know the proper touch points for each person he or she wants to influence.  Managers should know their team members.  Subordinates should understand their superiors.  Salespeople need to quickly identify the preferences of the potential customer.

This approach to persuasion only becomes more empowering as the issues we struggle with grow larger.  Opportunities for persuasion multiply as the complexity around an issue increases.  Added complexity opens up more ways to view situations.  New perspectives and viewpoints means there are more avenues from which to tackle challenges.

Change agents, innovators, and dreamers need the full arsenal of persuasive tools to make a positive difference in the world.  Most importantly, we need partners to help us bring our ideas to fruition.  The best way for others to make our ideas their priority is by making their priority central to how they see our ideas.

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