The Power of Networking

When I came to Omaha at the end of 2010, I soon discovered how important it was for me to get in front of clients.  Those who know me well, know just how hard it is for me to do so.  I'm a natural introvert so I can easily be drained and can feel very uncomfortable in large events, particularly with entrenched groups.  So the first thing I knew I needed was a way to go out and systematically meet people quickly.  I had recently read a book on marketing.  In it, the author quoted research that indicated that it takes 9 impressions on a prospect to facilitate a buying decision and that generally, we only pay attention 1/3 of a time.  Therefore, we must touch a prospect 27 times to make them a customer.  I, therefore, designed my "27 Contacts" client aquisition program.  It was a cafeteria plan of methods and techniques to put my name and company in front of them.  I tracked all of the clients and their impressions on a spreadsheet.  Within 6 months, the spreadsheet was well over 200 names. 

As of today, I have systematically created thousands of impressions on hundreds of clients/partners; and, by treating them well, I have created hundreds of potential advocates for my job search and those of my former team.  In addition, I can bring my list of contacts with me to my next firm or to use them in my own business if I go that direction exclusively.

By engaging my list of contacts I have already gotten 2 interviews and a couple of lunch meetings established, as well as dozens of others passing my name around Omaha.  Nearly every one of my former team members is also interviewing.  It is my hope that all of us will be gainfully employed again in short order.

Will my method of systematizing my contact touches work for everyone? No.  But for the millions out there who are intimidated by big business development or networking events, my approach might help you a great deal, whether it is for finding a new position or for rainmaking. 

One of the best and most efficient ways to build your Value Proposition or to share it with others is through the power of Networking

Good luck and get out there!

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