Vlog #11 – Entrepreneurship: No longer one boss

Be Your Own Boss

I meet aspiring business owners and I ask, “Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?”

Many tell me, “I want to be my own boss.”  At this point, I usually have a bit of a giggle.  Be sure you know what you asking for.

Few people understand this, you have as many bosses as you have people paying you. When you stop being an employee and become an employer, you no longer have one boss. You trade one boss for dozens or hundreds of them. Each of these bosses has a different set of expectations, experiences, and demeanor. You will never be so focused on others as you are when you go into business for yourself. You must serve.  You must help.  The moment you stop doing that is the moment your bosses leave and you are left starving.

A Choice for You

Do you have the generosity of spirit? Do you have the requisite focus on the needs and wants of others to make them better off? Do you have the necessary gift of devotion to help others? If so, you can enjoy the wonder of having dozens, hundreds, or thousands of bosses. But that’s ok, because every boss you have is another friend whose life is made better because you’re there.  It’s quite a blessing!


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