Vlog #20 – How to become an Influencer


I teach a course to undergraduate students on the fundamentals of communication.  When I first begin the course, I ask a seemingly simple question.

What is the purpose of communication?

Usually the answers range from to be understood, to connect with others, or to inform.  While accurate, these responses usually get close but rarely hit the fundamental purpose.

I tell them the purpose of communication is to influence.

Influence is defined as the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behaviors, opinions, etc. of others.

My first book was entitled The Influencer because I believe it is through influence that a person can make the greatest positive impact upon the world.

Our proficiency to effectively communicating is one of the biggest measures of our influence, but it’s far from the only one.  Being an effective communicator may help you to articulate your goals and vision or may help you to troll others so they respond in ways that cynically works to your advantage.  Clearly not all communication is noble.  Apart from ability to communicate, there is also character, values, determination, and vision, among others.  The most effective influencers work hard to develop proficiencies across all measures of influence.

Be Worthy and You’ll Be Influential

Influence accrues to those people who demonstrate they are worthy of it.  Influence is a reward conferred on you by others as a consequence of you living your consistent virtue.  Charlatans who pretend to be someone or something that they are not can usually be identified quickly.  It is amazing how insightful our intuitions often are.  We often get weird vibes from flimflam artists.  When we get one of those creepy “feelings” about someone, we usually know that they aren’t who they profess to be.

The good news is that none of us has to be anyone other than who we are.  We all have virtue, worth, and a number of gifts that are more than enough to engage, to motivate, to inspire others to follow you.

Be your best you.  When you are comfortable doing that, you’ll be influential!

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