Why I am here

Why should I undertake something like this? It’s a challenging answer. It is important that you folks know that I have never attempted to do web hosting/web development before. And, honestly, just to get this far required vast amounts of learning. This learning will only be multiplied going forward.

I’m excited by this though. I am one of the most educated individuals out there. My knowledge and applied skill set spans a wide variety of topics. There is rarely a problem which I haven’t been able to work through with good colleagues and a little time.

However, bad financial decisions I had made early in my life set me on a course that made my road a lot more difficult than it needed to be. I am convinced that our current educational system, despite the laudable efforts of educators, is ill-equipped to arm our young people with knowledge and experience so they can lead financially successful lives upon receiving their first paychecks.

This site is dedicated to them. We will be providing education, knowledge and a forum of ideas to help ambitious youth and the ones who care for them achieve wealth and wholeness. It is my hope that through the wealth they create, each of them will be prepared to make the positive difference on the world that both they and world deserve and need.


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