
Are You Worthy of My Followership?

A wise person once said to me, “If you think you are a leader, turn around.” She implied, quite appropriately, that if I was a leader, surely there would be people behind me being led. Good leaders are rewarded with others’ followership.

Often, we focus so hard on trying to be an effective leader, we stumble in our worthiness of being a leader. Humility, empathy, and integrity form three of the essential components of character that make you worthy of being a leader. The well-being of those in your charge and that of the mission must take precedence of your own. Your followers are watching you. Deviate but a little, and you will turn to find that no one will follow you, especially the best of us.

As followers, your best people know how people should be treated and have the self-esteem to demand it. They will abandon you if you show you are self-absorbed or a bad actor. However, if you show everyone, through your words and deeds, that you listen, care, and keep your promises, your best people will be unfailingly loyal and you will find no end to the great things you can accomplish together.

My followership is a gift I bestow on those most worthy of it. Keep this in mind because I am eager to bestow it upon you.

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